Essential Components of a Successful Landing Page

Landing Page

Landing pages are one of the most important segments of lead generation. Landing page, also known as destination page is a web page where a user turn up after clicking online ad or search engine result link.

Landing page is a must have for any website. A successful landing page is optimized for converting higher percentage of visitors into leads. Still they are overshadowed by the home page of a website because marketers focus on driving people to a company website. Home pages are important for traffic but landing page is the best place to send visitors to and tell them what you want them to do and why.

Now the question is what elements should your post-click landing page include, so as to turn maximum prospects into leads?

There is no standard way for this because each business is unique. However, there are some necessary elements that help you to build an engaging landing page so that visitors can convert.

Components for creating an effective landing page are:

  • Compelling headline
The headline is the very first thing your visitors will see and read. It is important to write a compelling headline which will encourage users to stay and consider your offer. Your heading should possess clarity, relevancy and empathy.

The headline should be short and easy to read and understand. The best way to keep your main headline succinct is to use a sub headline in support of your headline making it a direct extension to it or a complete sentence.

  • Quality copy and design

Quality design matters as users make perception about the reliability of a company based on their website design.
You have to decide the amount of copy as too much of it can make your users leave the page without reading any of it. On the other hand, too little of it can make your users doubt on pursuing your offer. So the amount of copy is important for your post-click landing page to make it sink or swim.
Writing style and formatting can ensure most important bits of information will stand out. Customer-centric words and small bullet points should be used to keep the visitor interested.

  • Call-To-Action (CTA)

This element should stand out above all the rest as it is critical to conversions. It can either be a part of lead generation form or a stand-alone button. Where you place it, what it says, how you design it are some of the important points which improves the chances of conversion.
Make your CTA contrast well with rest of the page. A CTA is preferably white text on dark background. The white space on your landing page helps to draw attention to specific elements on your page.
Keep the form short and simple if you are asking for data from your customers. Stay away from boring and usual CTAs like “Click Here”, “Submit”, “Subscribe” or “Download”. Instead, use compelling and personalized words and be specific. Modify your landing page to get the best results.

  • Social Proof

Social proof can be very influential and carry a lot of weight when promoting a CTA. Third party reviews and testimonials earn the trust of potential customers. Visitors are more likely to convert into customers if you show them that others had it before them and are happy with that. People rely on other people’s experiences.

  • Engaging media

Using images and videos about your service and product helps visitors to better understand the concept. Visual content captures user attention and helps deliver the information effectively. However, random, low quality and irrelevant images or videos can also distract visitors from converting. Therefore you should choose high quality image which is relevant to your service or product.

  • Limit extra navigation

Post-clicking landing pages are designed for one purpose – to prompt visitor to take a specific action. By including links to other pages, you are inviting your visitors to leave the page without converting.
Include no navigation at the top of the page and minimal footer at the bottom with terms of service and privacy policy.


By the time you must have understood what a landing page is and how it should be designed. However, there is no hard and fast rule for a perfect landing page. But you can consider these components for setting up your page. In order to get the best results you can also go with experienced designing companies providing landing page design service. Test and modify your landing page and use customized pages to increase your conversions.


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